BoxLang Privacy Policy

If you are visiting this website, this policy applies to you. We act as the data controller of personal data. This means that we determine how and why your data are processed. You are responsible for reading this Privacy Policy.

Our commitment

We are committed to collect, use and store your personal data in a secure way. We are committed to only use your personal data for the specific purposes stated in his privacy policy. We are committed to keep you informed about how we use your information and whom we give it to.

When and how we collect data

From the first moment you interact with this website we are collecting your data. Sometimes you provide us with data, sometimes data about you is collected automatically.

Data we collect automatically

  • You browse any page of our website
  • You request a demo of any of our products
  • You purchase one of our products
  • You purchase one of our services
  • You review, print and approve quotes
  • You review, print and pay invoices
  • You chat with us for customer support
  • You use our products

Data you give

  • We call you or reach out to you through email
  • You send us support and service requests
  • You Opt-in to marketing messages
  • You pay for one of our products and/or services

Types of data we collect

Contact Details

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address...

Financial Information

  • Your bank account number
  • Credit/Debit card details...

Data that identifies you

  • Your IP address
  • Browser type and version
  • Time zone setting
  • Geolocation about where you might be
  • Operating system and version...

Data on how you use our website

  • Pages you visit
  • Time you spent on each page
  • The actions you take on each page

No sensitive data

We do not collect data about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious/philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, generic data, biometric data, health data, data about your sexual life or orientation, and offences or alleged offences.

How and why we use your data

We only use your data for certain reasons and where we have legal basis to do so. Here are the reasons for which we process your data.

Improving our website, products or services

Gaining insights from your behavior on our website including product downloads. Testing features, Interacting with feedback platforms and questionnaires, managing landing pages, heat mapping our site, traffic optimization and data analysis and research, including profiling and the use of machine learning and other techniques over you data and in some cases third parties to do this.

Sell our products and services

We allow you to purchase our products and services online. For this we ask you to provide payment and billing information. Credit/Debit card information is stored and payments are processed by third parties with GDPR and PCI compliance.

Customer Support

Notifying you of any changes to our service, solving issues via support platforms, chats, phone or email including bug fixing.

Marketing purpose (with your consent)

Sending you emails and messages about new features, products and services and related content.

Your Rights

You can choose not to provide us personal data

You can still continue to use our site and browse its pages, but we will not be able to process any transactions with you without personal data.

You can turn off cookies in your browser by changing its settings.

You can block cookies by activating a setting in your browser allowing you to refuse cookies. You can also delete cookies through your browser settings. If you turn off cookies, you can continue to use the website and browse its pages.

You can ask us not to use your data for marketing

We will inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for marketing and if third parties are involved. You can opt out from marketing by emailing us at [email protected]

You have the right to:

  • Access information we have held about you.
  • Correct any inaccurate personal data about you
  • Object to us using your data for profiling you or making automated decisions about you
  • Port your data to another service (we'll give you a copy of your data in JSON)
  • To be "forgotten" by us. You can do this by asking us to erase any personal data we hold about you, if it is no longer necessary for us to hold the data for the purposes of your use of our products and services.
  • Lodge a complaint regarding our use of your data. Please let us know first, so we have a chance to address your concerns.

How secure is the data we collect?

We have physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.


  • Please do remember that you provide data at your own risk: unfortunately, no data transmission is guaranteed to be 100% secure.
  • If you believe your privacy has been breached, please contact us immediately on [email protected].

Where do we store the data

The personal data we collect is processed at our headquarters in Tomball, Texas and in data processing facilities operated by third parties identified below.

By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing by us and our third party integrations. If we transfer or store your information outside the United States in this way, we will take steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Third parties who process your data

Tech businesses often use third parties to help them host their applications, communicate with customers, manage marketing campaigns etc. We partner with third parties who we believe are the best in the field at what they do.

When we do this, sometimes it is necessary for us to share your data with them in order to get these services to work well. Your data is shared only when strictly necessary and according to the safeguards and good practices detailed in his Privacy Policy.

Here are the details of our main third-party service providers, and what data they collect, store or process on our behalf.






We use cookies. Unless you adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies, we (and these third parties) will issue cookies when you interact with our website. These may be session cookies, meaning they delete themselves when you leave our site, or persistent cookies which do not delete themselves and help us recognize you when you return so we can provide a tailored service.

In general we don't use real user data from your customers on development, staging or testing environments. However in some special cases we may need to use real user data from your customers in our development and staging environments in order to replicate a specific production issue or scenario that wouldn't be otherwise feasible to reproduce. This is only done with your written consent and in all cases we will only use user data for the specific reason for which it was provided to us, namely testing and replication of bugs or issues. After completing the required tests and simulations we will completely remove all real user data from our development and staging environments, including developers' machines.

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